NHAMONiy (like ni in nice) am (like the word am) oh (like the letter o)Niy-am-oh
pronounce it as "eat" girl
"Pronounce it as 'chow'."
pronounce trencadis
"La-hoat" is how you would pronounce "Lahote."
Nice scene
"Nice" is a type of plain, sugary Arnott's biscuit. This is pronounced "neece" rather than "nice".
The same as the English word neice.
the best pronunciation i found was Nice - Schön (it's pronounced "shuen") from german.waialo.com
You can say "bon joue." Well, that's how you pronounce it anyway.
je suis content(e) de vous revoir
nair zhay. note. the first syllable is very short- drag it out and it won't sound nice.
in the north of Saudi Arabia we use zouina a lot, but originally its pronounce zinah, which mean beautiful or nice... for example, if i see something nice, i will say, it is zouina, she is zouina. hope you got it.
For boy "Owen", for girl "Kara" or "Karina".
dillon is ok, but not dillion. If it's dillion you would pronounce it differently. I still prefer it spelt Dylan though
een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)