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The gypsy curse made them laugh at first. The curse words flowed out of his mouth like water out of the faucet.

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Q: How do you make sentence with curse?
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Make sentence with curse?

She told him that she would curse him to all eternity but he merely laughed and said join the queue.

What is a sentence for curse?

he cursed at the boy

How do you use the curse in sentence?

"Students should not curse in school as it is disrespectful and against the rules."

You curse all his activities-Change to Exclamatory sentence?

All his activities are cursed!

How do you put wickedness in a sentence?

Write curse words in it!

How do you use curse in a sentence?

The first way you could use cursed in a sentence is "he was forever cursed to a life of pain". If you wish to use it as a swearing type curse a sentence you could use is " he cursed loudly at John"

How do you make your moshi monster curse?

Umm... you wanna make the cute monster curse? Oh well. Sorry, you connot! Hope I helped!

Does LMFAO curse in every sentence?

No, he does not. Even though it might sound like it............................ BOO!

Is there a disorder that makes you curse automatically?

Yes, Tourettes can possibly cause someone to have a tick that can make them curse

Does Gears of War 2 curse a lot?

oh ya. some times in every sentence.

Are they gonna make The Titan's Curse a movie?


Can you use imprecation in a sentence?

The word "imprecation" is defined as a verbal curse. An example of a sentence using the word "imprecation" is "The witch chanted an imprecation over a boiling cauldron. "