To make the letter "x" in American Sign Language you stick up your pointer finger only (all other fingers are in a fist,) and then bend the pointer finger.
To sign the letter "X" in American Sign Language, cross your index fingers in front of your body, with one hand over the other. This handshape represents the letter "X."
Tha depends on which sign language you mean - American Sign Language or British Sign Language or Russian Sign Language or Australian Sign Language. In American Sign Language the letter D is formed by extending upwards the index finger and then making a round shape with the thumb and other fingers over the palm.
The sign for "library" in American Sign Language using the x handshape involves forming an X with both hands and then bringing them together in front of your chest.
To sign "am" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can simply sign the letter "A" and then the letter "M" with your dominant hand. Hold the "M" handshape near your chest or slightly to the side.
In American Sign Language, the sign for "Judah" involves fingerspelling each letter of the name using the appropriate hand shapes and movements for each letter.
To sign the letter "X" in American Sign Language, cross your index fingers in front of your body, with one hand over the other. This handshape represents the letter "X."
Tha depends on which sign language you mean - American Sign Language or British Sign Language or Russian Sign Language or Australian Sign Language. In American Sign Language the letter D is formed by extending upwards the index finger and then making a round shape with the thumb and other fingers over the palm.
To sign "am" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can simply sign the letter "A" and then the letter "M" with your dominant hand. Hold the "M" handshape near your chest or slightly to the side.
In American Sign Language, the sign for "Judah" involves fingerspelling each letter of the name using the appropriate hand shapes and movements for each letter.
In American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "Alexis" by using the fingerspelling technique to spell out each letter of the name A-L-E-X-I-S using handshapes for each corresponding letter.
To sign "Katie" in American Sign Language (ASL), you fingerspell the letters K-A-T-I-E using the manual alphabet. Each letter is signed with a specific handshape corresponding to that letter.
In American Sign Language, you can sign "Kimberly" by fingerspelling each letter using the ASL alphabet.
Proper names are usually spelled out in sign language. Google "manual alphabet".
To sign "Brianna" in American Sign Language (ASL), you would fingerspell each letter of the name using the ASL alphabet.
Sign Language is not a foreign language, it is just another way of communication for the deaf people and the people trying to have a convosation with them. Hope my answer helped, CuriousJade x
X is a variable in the mathematical language. X could be any number, letter or equation.