You would divide the word Canada into 3 syllables, Can-a-da, pronounced as: Can-uh-Duh.
The word "project" is divided into two syllables: pro-ject.
There are two syllables. Fall-en.
The word "American" is divided into four syllables: A-mer-i-can.
There are two syllables which are split like this: burn-ing.
Forgot has two syllables: for-got.
You can divide it into syllables as such: "Prac-ti-tion" therefore it has 3 syllables.
There are two syllables divided like so: di-vide.
Question: How do you divide 'shipyard' into syllables? Answer: ship/yard
Divide dragonflies into syllables like this: drag-on-flies.
Rid-i-cule is the way you divide ridicule into syllables.
yes it can be divide in three syllables and when your chin goes down there is a syllables.
Divide kitchen into syllables like this: kit-chen.
Divide hesitated into syllables like this: hes-i-tat-ed.
Divide shopkeeper into syllables like this: shop-keep-er.
You divide the word army into syllables like this- arm----y
2 syllables