In Malayalam, a maternal grandfather is called "ammavan."
In Malayalam, grandfather is called "പപ്പാ" (Pappa) or "അച്ചാൻ" (Achaan).
In Malayalam, grandfather is called "അപ്പൻ" (Appan).
Yes, you can communicate with me in Malayalam. Feel free to ask me any questions or chat with me in the language.
The Malayalam language. This is an Indian language.
In Malayalam, you would call your grandfather "പുണ്യന്" (Punyan).
In Malayalam, a maternal grandfather is called "ammavan."
In Malayalam, grandfather is called "പപ്പാ" (Pappa) or "അച്ചാൻ" (Achaan).
In Malayalam, grandfather is called "അപ്പൻ" (Appan).
In Latin (the language) Avus means Grandfather.
Yes, you can communicate with me in Malayalam. Feel free to ask me any questions or chat with me in the language.
The Malayalam language. This is an Indian language.
The English language has no special term to describe the grandfather of your son-in-law, and he is not considered to be related to you.
"NaNak Nani" in Malayalam means "grandfather." "NaNak" is a term used to refer to one's paternal grandfather, while "Nani" is used to refer to one's maternal grandfather.
movies in Malayalam language.
what do u call aunty in malayalam
Yak is called "യാക്ക്" (yakku) in the Malayalam language.