The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
The word "song" is broken up into one syllable: /sɔŋ/.
To break up syllables in a word like family, separate the word into its sounds: fam-i-ly. Each sound or group of sounds within the word is a syllable. "Family" has three syllables: fam-i-ly.
There are two syllables like so: hy-drate.
Syllables are actually divided depending on the sound of the word. You should break it up depending on how you say it. For example, the word 'example' is divided into three parts when you say it which means it has three syllables. An easy way to determine this is to clap whilst saying a word out loud. Ex-am-ple.
The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
Break the work missionary into syllables like this: mis-sion-ar-y.
There are two syllables like so: peo-ple.
There are three syllables like so: en-cour-age.
Slipped only has one syllable so it cannot be broken up into syllables.
The word "song" is broken up into one syllable: /sɔŋ/.
There are three syllables:lan-gua-ges.
There are three syllables in the word "physically."
To break up syllables in a word like family, separate the word into its sounds: fam-i-ly. Each sound or group of sounds within the word is a syllable. "Family" has three syllables: fam-i-ly.
The word representing has four syllables like so: rep-re-sent-ing.