The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
The word "Mississippi" has four syllables: Mis-sis-sip-pi.
The word "song" is broken up into one syllable: /sɔŋ/.
To break up syllables in a word like family, separate the word into its sounds: fam-i-ly. Each sound or group of sounds within the word is a syllable. "Family" has three syllables: fam-i-ly.
There are two syllables like so: hy-drate.
Break the work missionary into syllables like this: mis-sion-ar-y.
Mississippi has four syllables, Mis/sis/sip/pi
Sig-ni-fi-cant has four syllables.
There are three syllables broken up like so: al-low-ing.
There are two syllables like so: peo-ple.
The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
in - de - pend - ence
As "it" is 1 syllable, it would simply be "it".