To split the word "syllables" into its individual syllables, you can break it down like this: syl-la-bles.
The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
Sound out the word and the breaks are syllables. Burpee would be bur-pee.
To effectively break up syllables in a word, you can look for vowel sounds and consonant patterns to divide the word into smaller parts. Remember that each syllable must have a vowel sound. Practice breaking up words into syllables to improve your skills.
There are three syllables. They are split like: Wash-ing-ton.
Two (hi-king).
The word whistle has two syllables. The syllables in the word are whist-le.
Daybreak has two syllables. The syllables are day-break.
There are two syllables. Bail-iffs.
There are 2 syllables. Small-est.
A/me/ri/can - 4 syllables
The word "follow" can be broken up into two syllables: fol-low.
The word mouth cannot be broken into syllables because it is a single syllable word.
you can't
There are 3 syllables. Ful-fill-ment.