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It's hard, but if you're asking this question you either care a lot about the trans boys in your life, or you're lucky enough to have started the process of real self discovery. I was the 'token man' at both of my all-girls schools, which I started at when I was 10 and completed at age 18, barely. I used that time to (inbetween the depression and constant 'OCD like' search through my memories to find some clue that would definitively 'prove' that this was all in my head) study women and experiment in female impersonation, ultimately developing several personae that I felt proud for having the acting and dissociative skills to master. I didn't think I'd ever pass well enough to 'justify' transition, and thought these personae would be necessary for navigating the real world until i was in a better place socially and emotionally. I hope you have an easier time, although there are major benefits I experienced by forcing myself into 'remission', including something of a support system and lack of ridicule. Now that I'm out (I'm 24), I no longer use hyper-feminized personae to help me through the world. I'm just me, which is a bi dude with a really heavy female 'accent' that causes a lot of confusion for some of my friends. (speech patterns, intonation - these are all learned traits. observe the girls at your school and remember- you're not the only one who's ever felt like a freak at all girls school.) This observation period will help you develop your feminine characteristics (everyone has them) and hopefully your school will be supportive if you choose to transition there.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

To be a FTM (female to male) student at a girls' school, it's important to communicate openly with school administrators about your gender identity. They can work with you to ensure your comfort and safety at school. Consider allies like teachers or counselors who can support you, and seek out LGBTQ+ resources for additional support.

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After downloading FTM 2019, it’s time to install it on your computer. You can install FTM 2019 on both operating systems (Windows and Mac). Please follow the given instructions to install FTM 2019 on your computer. To install FTM 2019 on your computer, open your email address in which you got the download link. Double click on the given link. As you click on the given link your installation will start. You will see a FTM icon on your desktop screen after completing the installation of FTM 2019. To run the FTM 2019, just double click on the FTM 2019 icon. Your FTM 2019 installation is completed and now you can easily make your family tree and sync with ancestry.

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Is it possible for females to be reassigned male through surgery?

Yes, it is. I do not know any FtM's personally, but i have heard that the surgeries for FtM is less realistic than those for MtF. As with MtF's, FtM's are reccomended to see a phycologist, to get a reccomendation, to give an endocrinologist for hormones. As for the surgeries for FtM's, they are Mastectomy, Hysterectomy, and Phalloplasty.

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