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Scientists often use a universal language for data presentation, such as numerical data or standardized symbols. They may also use translations or work with interpreters to communicate their findings across language barriers. Additionally, visual representations like graphs and charts can help convey complex information without relying heavily on language.

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Q: How do scientist who speak different languages make their data understandable?
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How do scientist who speak diffrent languages make their data understandable to one another?

Scientist use mathematics equation as medium. Scientific name would be made in Latin so to prevent the language meaning change with times.

How do scientist that speak a different languages make their understandable to one another?

Scientists speaking different languages typically communicate in a common language known as the lingua franca of science, which is usually English. This facilitates mutual understanding and collaboration across international boundaries. Additionally, translation services and tools are also utilized to assist in conveying ideas and research findings between different language speakers.

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People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.

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A person who can speak different languages is called a polyglot.

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Polyglot means someone who can speak multiple languages.

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William Shakespeare could speak 4 different languages. English, Latin, French, and Italian were the languages that Shakespeare could speak fluently.

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In Communist (mainland) China. Mandarin is the official language and spoken by the majority of people but differing regions speak different languages.

Are all languages equal?

because people speak all kinds of different languages

Which word means to speak 2 different languages?

The term "bilingual" refers to an individual who can speak two languages proficiently.

What languages do Hindus speak when in India?

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