To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
"Ouch" in French is "Aïe".
You can say "we will" in French by using the phrase "nous allons."
"Quand" is how you say "when" in French.
Entourer les bonnes réponses
Cent I hope dis helps I take french any other questions for french just ask me (:
Translation: Ask the questions!However, this is a more classical form of French and literally means "Make the questions". The proper way to say "Ask the questions!" in modern French is "Pose les questions".
you say: "Comment est-ce que tu dis sa en francais"?
"trouve les réponses à ces questions sur internet"
je me demande pourquoi je pose trop de questions
From a french person
There is a French There is also a "Questions in French"/"Questions en Français" category on the main WikiAnswers.
est-ce qu'il y a d'autres questions ? y a-t-il d'autres questions ? pas d'autre question ? (all three forms are common)
She can only say Bonjour. I know because on her facebook page, I was watching videos of her answering fan questions, and someone asked "Can you say bonjour", and she said yes, that's actually the only thing she could say in french.
She can only say Bonjour. I know because on her facebook page, I was watching videos of her answering fan questions, and someone asked "Can you say bonjour", and she said yes, that's actually the only thing she could say in french.
To feel free is translated "se sentir libre" in French je me sens libre Feel free to interrupt me and ask questions: n'hésitez pas à m'interrompre et à poser des questions.