The translation of the word "black" in Arabic is "aswad" (أسود). The transliteration of the word "black" in Arabic is "blaak" (بلاك).
The name Michelle in Arabic is written as "ميشيل".
"Found" in Arabic can be translated as "وُجِد" pronounced as "wujida".
No, Lorraine is not an Arabic name. It is of French origin and typically used as a female given name.
Alisha's Arabic name is عائشة (Aisha).
The Arabic name for hops is "هوبز" (pronounced 'hoobz').
To write the name Jada in Arabic, it would be spelled جايدا.
Melanie is not an Arabic word, so it has no meaning in Arabic other than being a name of (presumably) non-Arabs. It is a Greek name meaning "dark/black". If the question is asking how to write Melanie with Arabic letters, it is Milany (ميلاني)
His Arabic name is Shaytan which means “devil” in arabic 🖤
The name Michelle in Arabic is written as "ميشيل".
In Arabic it means Black
تيدي Teddy
black = aswad (أسود) (aswad or ak-hal in some Arab countries)
Emily is a name that does not exist in Arabic. You could write Emili (إميلي) in Arabic.The closest Arabic name that sounds like Emily is Amina (أمينة).
It is pronounced the same way, but would be written as:ريبيكا
To translate the name George using the Arabic alphabet, one would write جورج.