Money in Russian is called "деньги" (pronounced dyen'-gee).
Do not spend all your money at once.I'm not willing to spend that much.I'm going to go spend some time at the arcade. I won't spend a lot of time writing this.I want to spend all my money today.
"Spend" can be a verb (action word) or a noun (money spent).
"Expend" is a word meaning to use money or resources in order to consume or deplete them.
Yes, "spend" is a verb. It is used to indicate the action of using money to purchase goods or services.
The Russian money is called the rouble.
According to Time Magazine people spend money because they feel lonely.
B/c they have a lot of money to spend.
to spend it
People in London can spend money on different things so next time be more specific on what your asking
Do I want to save my money or do I want to spend it on something I want now?
Jewish people spend money on the same things non-Jewish people do: food, cars, ipads, houses, vacations, etc.
Discretionary funds is the money the government can decide how to spend.