Comment avez-vous dormi?or
Comment as-tu dormi?
The first is formal, the second would be towards brothers/sisters/friends.
"Dormir" in French means "to sleep."
The Cajun French translation for "sleep" is "dormir."
The French verb "dormir" means "to sleep."
In Spanish, sleep is "dormir." In French, sleep is "dormir." In German, sleep is "schlafen." In Japanese, sleep is "眠る (nemuru)."
You would say "j'ai bien dormi" in French to mean "I had a good sleep."
Sleep in french is dormir.
"Dormir" in French means "to sleep."
The Cajun French translation for "sleep" is "dormir."
to sleep and rest is translated 'dormir et se reposer' in French.
The French verb "dormir" means "to sleep."
Are you going to sleep is est-ce que tu vas dormir ? in French.
Qu'est-ce que le sommeil en français?Sleep in French is "Dormir".
Can I sleep with you Puis-je dormir avec vous
This is spelt 'dor', and pronounced as it's written with a rough 'r' sound. The French verb to sleep is 'dormir'.
In Spanish, sleep is "dormir." In French, sleep is "dormir." In German, sleep is "schlafen." In Japanese, sleep is "眠る (nemuru)."
I go to bed is 'je vais au lit' or 'je vais me coucher' in French.
"someille"= sleep