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I have several sentences for you.

  • To begin with, sentences are not as hard as you think they are.
  • Pretend you are just speaking to a friend, to begin with.
  • If you don't understand how to make sentences to begin with, you can do better if you look up the terms in your dictionary to find out what they mean.
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8mo ago

To begin with, I would like to address the main issue at hand.

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Q: How can you use the word to begin with in a sentence?
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Can you use the word but to begin a long sentence?

No, You cannot use but to start a sentence.

How do you use the word ceremory in a sentence?

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How do you use the word capitalization in a sentence?

You always want to begin a new sentence with capitalization

Can you use by at the beginning of a sentence?

Yes. There is no word or phrase in English that cannot begin or end a sentence.

When does the word is begin a sentence that isn't a question?

The word 'is' can begin a sentence but not be a question when it is the subject of the question. Example sentence - Is can be the subject in a sentence. But only in sentences of that type (above) or, 'Is' is a two letter word. Otherwise is cannot begin a sentence.

Can a sentence begin with also?

Yes. There is no word that cannot begin an English sentence.

Is it correct to begin a new sentence with the word and?

Schoolteachers would tell you that it is forbidden to begin a sentence with the word 'and'. This could well be a myth as writers have been using it this way for many years. However, you should be encouraged to form more complex sentences by not allowing the use of a conjunction to start a sentence

Can a sentence begin with it?

It is possible to have a sentence with the word it at the beginning, as this sentence proves.

Can you begin a sentence with the word after?

yes you can

When can a sentence begin with the word and?


Can the word Because start with a sentence?

Of course you can. There is no word in English that cannot begin a sentence.

Should a sentence begin with the word with?

Yes, a sentence is allowed to begin with the word "with". For example: With all the pressure of high school people were becoming stressed.