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"De rein ami bisous" is a french term that basically means "It a freind kiss. It means nothing"

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10mo ago

"Thank you my friend. Kisses."

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The meaning of the word bisous?

It means kisses! But you can say it to close friends/ family as a cute way to say goodbye too :)

How you say kisses in french?


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bisous, Maman

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It must be Bisous it is a kind (and infant) way to say baiser (a kiss) Bisous are kisses

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You can say "আমি ধনী" in Bengali, which translates to "I am rich" in English.

How do you respond to bisous?

"Bisous" is a French term meaning "kisses." In response to someone saying "bisous," it is common to reciprocate by saying "bisous" back or by giving them a kiss on the cheek if you are in a social setting where that is appropriate. This exchange is a friendly and affectionate gesture in French-speaking cultures.

How to say kiss in french?

To say "kiss" in French, you would say "baiser" or "bisou."

How do you say 'hello my friend' in french?

You could either say: Bonjour! Mon Ami or Salut! Mon Ami

How will you say i will cry in bengali?

Ami kandabo or Ami kanda korbo

How do you say boyfriend in French?

my boyfriend is called "mon petit ami" or "mon ami" in French

How do you say i love you best friend in french?

You would say either: Je t'aime, mon ami (e at the end of the ami if it the friend is a girl) or Mon ami, je t'aime (this means my friend, I love you.)