Words with the suffix - ing:aimingbeingcomingdatingenteringfindinggoinghavinginsistingjumpingkeepingleavingmovingneedingopeningpretendingquittingreadingseeingtryingusingvotingwaiting
Some "ing" words that describe loud noises are deafening, piercing, thundering, and booming.
freezing, biting, cutting, stinging, and piercing are some
running, jumping,laughing...... basically just take any verb and add "ing" to the end
Some words with "ING" in them are running, swimming, jumping, laughing, and cooking.
the seven openers are subject prepositional ly ing clausal vss ed
some ing words for clonws
Some words ending with 'ing' are:adoringburningcaringdrivingearningendingfacingfleeinggrindinghidinginchingjumpingkickinglearninglovingmentioningnestingopeningpraisingpeelingquiltingracingseeingsteamingtouringusingvaultingwatchingexaminingyawningzoning
Words with the suffix - ing:aimingbeingcomingdatingenteringfindinggoinghavinginsistingjumpingkeepingleavingmovingneedingopeningpretendingquittingreadingseeingtryingusingvotingwaiting
Some ing words that can describe rocks include: weathering, eroding, forming, and metamorphosing.
swimming moving
Some "ing" words that describe loud noises are deafening, piercing, thundering, and booming.
Some ing words for summer are swimming, picnicking, and water skiing. Additional words are sun bathing, snorkeling, kayaking, canoing, and hiking.
Zapping, zipping, zoning and zonking are words that begin with the letter z. They end with the letters ING.
Thin, small
soothing easing