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2mo ago

Running quickly, she reached the finish line first.
Excited to start the new project, he gathered his team together.
Surprised by the news, she immediately called her friend.
Filled with happiness, they celebrated their anniversary.

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Q: Give you some words for ed or ing openers?
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Words ending in ing?

Some words ending with 'ing' are:adoringburningcaringdrivingearningendingfacingfleeinggrindinghidinginchingjumpingkickinglearninglovingmentioningnestingopeningpraisingpeelingquiltingracingseeingsteamingtouringusingvaultingwatchingexaminingyawningzoning

What are some words end with the siffix ing?

Words with the suffix - ing:aimingbeingcomingdatingenteringfindinggoinghavinginsistingjumpingkeepingleavingmovingneedingopeningpretendingquittingreadingseeingtryingusingvotingwaiting

What are some describing words for an apple that end with ing?

Some describing words for an apple that end with "ing" are: enticing, refreshing, inviting.

Ing words that describe rocks?

Some ing words that can describe rocks include: weathering, eroding, forming, and metamorphosing.

What are some ing-words for fish?

swimming moving

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What are some ing word that describe loud?

Some "ing" words that describe loud noises are deafening, piercing, thundering, and booming.

What are some ING word for summer?

Some ing words for summer are swimming, picnicking, and water skiing. Additional words are sun bathing, snorkeling, kayaking, canoing, and hiking.

What are some words that start with Z and end with -ing?

Zapping, zipping, zoning and zonking are words that begin with the letter z. They end with the letters ING.

What are some ing words that are related to calming?

soothing easing