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the hammer of neither doesn't require an apostrophe:)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The possessive form of "the hammer of neither" would be "neither's hammer." The apostrophe goes before the "s" to show ownership by "neither."

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Q: For apostrophes and possessives where would i put an apostrophe for the hammer of neither?
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Related questions

Where would you put an apostrophe for the hammer of neither?

The hammer of neither doesn't require an apostrophe.

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The possessive form is: the hammer's magic

What are apostrophes used for?

Apostrophes are used for showing that letters have been taken out of a word or contraction (like in don't, the contraction of do and not, where the o in not has been taken out, or in get 'em, to show that 'em means them), or to show ownership or possession (like in Maxwell's hammer, where the 's shows that the hammer belongs to Maxwell, or in those girls' idea, to show that the idea belongs to those girls).

What rapper was a navy seal?

MC Hammer and Fred Durst served in the United States Navy, but neither were SEAL's. Also, Canibus served.

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The density of the hammer is the same no matter where it is. Density = Mass / volume. Neither Mass nor volume is dependent on gravity there for Density is also independent of gravity.

What does it mean by what is it's function?

It is asking (for example) what is the use (function) of a hammer - it is to hit a nail and drive it into wood. --------------------------------------------------------------- "what is its function" (NOTE there is NO apostrophe EVER used in the word "its") means "what is it meant to do" - "what is it for" - "what role does it play as part of something else".

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No, a hammer is not a wedge ! When did you last wedge anything with a hammer ..

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Usually a tack hammer. But a brad driver that resembles an awl may be used.

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Owen Hammer goes by The Hammer.