In words, 29035 is "twenty-nine thousand and thirty-five."
A homophone for "five" is "hive." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
Some five letter words that begin with "Pu" are pulse, punky, and purse.
Some examples of five-letter words that begin and end with the same letter are: radar, level, civic, minim, and kayak.
My favorite online translator is Babel Fish, a nod to the late Douglas Adams' excellent science fiction novel trilogy of five books, known as The Hitch Hiker's Guide to Galaxy. The Babel Fish fits snugly in the ear of the interplanetary explorer translating all unknown languages to one familiar to the host's brain. The definition for the phrase from Spanish " efectos especiales" comes "special effects" in English, thanks to the most useful translator around!
beatlesrolling stoneswhosteppenwolfgrass roots
Sweet, The Doors, Cream, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, & Deep Purple.
Olympics, baseball, racing, FIFA world cup (soccer), basketball
Big: adjective:of considerable size, extent, or intensity.of considerable importance or seriousness.5 letter words that mean the same as BIG for definition #1:AmpleAwashBulkyBurlyGiantGrandGreatHeftyHuskyLargeMondoJumboRoomySuper5 letter words that mean the same as BIG for definition #2:ChiefFirstGreatMajorMondoPrimeVital
5 A pentagon has 5 sides. Penta- means five.
Five words? It is cinque parole
A solid figure having five sides.
proberbs is a saying or motto in life
A polygon is a five sided closed shape.
These letters can be unscrambled to spell five words. These five words are:CheaterHectareRecheatReteachTeacher
In words, 85,000,000,000 is eighty-five billion