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manoj kumar

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शिक्षा के वर्तमान चुनौतियों में शिक्षा की अधिक सुविधाएं नहीं पहुंच पा रही हैं, विद्यार्थियों की मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं बढ़ रही हैं और टेक्नोलॉजी के दौर में शिक्षा का पुराना पद्धति समीक्षित होने की चुनौती है। इस समस्याओं का समाधान के लिए सरकार को सामाजिक असमानता को कम करने और शिक्षा में तकनीकी उन्नति के साथ मानचित्र बनाने की आवश्यकता है।

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Q: Essay in Hindi - Present challenges and solutions of Education?
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How do you write an essay about varisht nagriko ki samasya?

To write an essay about the issues faced by senior citizens, first, you should outline the challenges they encounter such as social isolation, healthcare access, and financial security. Then, provide examples and statistics to support your points. Finally, suggest possible solutions to address these problems and offer recommendations for society to better support elderly individuals.

What is a functional essay?

A functional essay is a type of academic writing that focuses on providing information or explaining how something works. It typically does not include personal opinions or persuasive elements and instead aims to present information clearly and logically. The purpose of a functional essay is to educate the reader on a specific topic or process.

What is the present perfect of the verb present?

I am presenting my essay today.You are presenting him to the church, aren't you?The above sentences are present continuous not present perfect.Present perfect is have / has + past participle.The past participle of present is presented ( present is a regular verb so add -ed to make past and past participle)They have presented me with a gold watch.She has presented her resignation.

How do you write a Hindi essay about grading siksha pranali?

To write an essay on grading system (Siksha Pranali) in Hindi, start by introducing the topic and explaining what grading system is. Then discuss the benefits and drawbacks of grading system in education. Conclude by sharing your opinion on whether you support or oppose the grading system in education. Make sure to use examples and facts to support your arguments.

Do you use past tense in an essay?

Yes, past tense is commonly used in an essay to discuss events, research findings, or literature reviews that have already occurred. It helps maintain a clear and formal tone that is appropriate for academic writing.

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The essay can be written to include how education is today, and the effect is has on the youth of the nation. The essay could also be written about the effects of education, or lack of education, on youths all over the world.

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A global thinking essay is an academic or analytical piece of writing that explores issues from an international or worldwide perspective. It typically involves discussing global challenges, trends, and solutions, and encourages readers to consider issues from a broader, interconnected view rather than a narrow, localized perspective.

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What kind of essay in the selection?

The essay in the selection is a personal narrative essay, which focuses on the author's experience of learning to swim as an adult. It combines storytelling elements with reflection on the challenges and triumphs of the experience.

Can you provide an example of a quote introduction in an essay?

A quote introduction in an essay is when you start your essay with a relevant and impactful quote that sets the tone for your discussion. For example, in an essay about the importance of education, you could begin with a quote from Nelson Mandela: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

In a problemsolution essay you would probably include?

In a problemsolution essay, you would typically include an introduction that presents the problem, a body that explains the problem in detail and presents possible solutions, and a conclusion that restates the problem and summarizes the proposed solutions. The essay should focus on analyzing the problem, offering feasible solutions, and providing supporting evidence to justify the suggested remedies.