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Yes. "Un-" is the prefix for the root word "disturbed."

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2mo ago

No, "undisturbed" does not have a prefix. The word "undisturbed" is formed by combining the prefix "un-" with the root word "disturbed."

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How can you tell if sedimentary rock is undisturbed?

That would depend on the meaning of 'undisturbed'.

Where is the most undisturbed environment?

the most undisturbed environment is between the border of Alaska and Canada

Is undisturbed an adjective?

It can be (the crime scene was left undisturbed). It is the negative of "disturbed" which is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to disturb). Undisturbed may be a verb form, participial, or adjective.

Is undisturbed a pronoun?

No, the word 'undisturbed' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as not troubled by interference or disturbance.Example: It was easy to follow the tracks through the undisturbed snow.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: The undisturbed snow sparkled. The moonlight made it appear like jewels. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'snow' in the second sentence)

How are the layers of rock if they are undisturbed?

The undisturbed rock layers are horizontal and in order of age from youngest nearest the surface to oldest at the bottom of the rock unit.

What is the definition of unperturbed?

Undisturbed, calm and collected

What are the chances of finding an undisturbed ecosystem?

0. Ecosystems are disturbed by natural phenomena as those caused by human activities. You cannot have an ecosystem that is undisturbed by both.

How do geologist know that rock layers are undisturbed?

Geologists know that rock layers are undisturbed by examining the relationships between the different layers. If the layers are parallel and show no signs of folding, tilting, or faulting, they are likely undisturbed. Additionally, the presence of index fossils can help date the layers and determine if they have been disturbed.

The rock at the bottom of an undisturbed sequence is?

the oldest rock in the sequence due to the principle of superposition, which states that in an undisturbed rock sequence, the oldest rocks will be at the bottom and the youngest at the top.

What would be the undisturbed position from a wave?

The undisturbed position of a wave is its equilibrium position when there are no disturbances acting on it. It is the position the wave would take if there were no interfering forces or influences.

What is Another name for undisturbed forest?

abonded forest

How are the layers arranged in undisturbed sedimentary rocks?
