No, the word "bathtub" does not have a short "a" sound like in "cat." The "a" in bathtub is pronounced as a schwa sound, which is a neutral or unstressed vowel sound.
I believe you are asking about the word 'can'? Yes, it has a short 'a' sound, so is just pronounced 'can'. The general rule on short words that follow the pattern CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) is that the vowel will usually be short. For example, words such as 'pan, hat, bag, bug, win, hum, sit, wet, pen, dot, hot, tub, map, mud', etc, all have short vowel sounds.
Words that have the same vowel sound as "duck" include "luck," "pluck," "muck," and "stuck." These words all contain the short u sound, which is a central vowel sound produced with a relaxed tongue and lips. In phonetics, this sound is represented by the symbol /ʌ/.
The word "bubble" has a short U (uh) vowel sound, as in the words bump and rubble.Other short U words include:U words - tub, duck, mud, stuff, hum, numb, nut, ugly, upperOUGH words (uff) - rough, tough, enoughThe consonant sounds S and W are often followed by a short U sound:A words - was, whatO words - one, none, wonder, some, son, won, tonnageOO words - flood, blood
The short U sound is seen in these spellings: U - tub, mud, stuff, hum, nut, and ugly OU - rough, tough OO - blood, flood O (followed by F or V) - of, love, shove A - was, what
No. Tub has short U (uh) sound and huge has a long U (long yoo) sound as in human.
The vowel sound in tough is a short u sound, as in tub. Tough rhymes with stuff.
No, the word "bathtub" does not have a short "a" sound like in "cat." The "a" in bathtub is pronounced as a schwa sound, which is a neutral or unstressed vowel sound.
I believe you are asking about the word 'can'? Yes, it has a short 'a' sound, so is just pronounced 'can'. The general rule on short words that follow the pattern CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) is that the vowel will usually be short. For example, words such as 'pan, hat, bag, bug, win, hum, sit, wet, pen, dot, hot, tub, map, mud', etc, all have short vowel sounds.
The U in lumber has a short U vowel sound, as in the rhyming words number and encumber. Other short U words include duck, tub, mud, stuff, hum, nut, fuzz, and ugly. The sound is also seen in the OU words rough, tough, and enough. The A words "what" and "was" have a short U sound, as also in the words "does" and because.
Words that have the same vowel sound as "duck" include "luck," "pluck," "muck," and "stuck." These words all contain the short u sound, which is a central vowel sound produced with a relaxed tongue and lips. In phonetics, this sound is represented by the symbol /ʌ/.
The word "bubble" has a short U (uh) vowel sound, as in the words bump and rubble.Other short U words include:U words - tub, duck, mud, stuff, hum, numb, nut, ugly, upperOUGH words (uff) - rough, tough, enoughThe consonant sounds S and W are often followed by a short U sound:A words - was, whatO words - one, none, wonder, some, son, won, tonnageOO words - flood, blood
The short U sound is seen in these spellings: U - tub, mud, stuff, hum, nut, and ugly OU - rough, tough OO - blood, flood O (followed by F or V) - of, love, shove A - was, what
You have to say WHERE it is leaking from for someone to answer it.
The standard tub size is 60 inches long, 30 inches wide, and 14 inches deep
About 3 minutes! But if its a big tub about.......5 minutes.
Hot tub covers can have long lives if they are cared for properly. Hot tub covers are mostly affected by dirt and sunlight so keep it clean and perhaps put a tarp over it if the hot tub is in direct sunlight.