Yes, the A in "tape" has a long A sound. The E is silent.
The word "tape" has a long vowel sound because the 'a' is pronounced as "ay", like in the word "cake".
The A and the I are both short vowel sounds in "tapping" (verb to tap).(The long A would be the word taping, to tape)
Loser long or short vowel
No, in the word "grape," the vowel sound 'a' is short, not long. The long vowel sound of 'a' is heard in words like "cake" or "lake."
Yes, the A in "tape" has a long A sound. The E is silent.
The word "tape" has a long vowel sound because the 'a' is pronounced as "ay", like in the word "cake".
The A and the I are both short vowel sounds in "tapping" (verb to tap).(The long A would be the word taping, to tape)
No, in the word "grape," the vowel sound 'a' is short, not long. The long vowel sound of 'a' is heard in words like "cake" or "lake."
Loser long or short vowel
The word "taste" has a long vowel sound for the letter "a".
"Ruby" has a long u sound (long vowel), while "Spanish" has a short a sound (short vowel).
The word grape has a long A and silent E, to rhyme with cape and tape.
No, "can" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "can" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.
Yes. The "a" in tape is long.
A short vowel
The e is a short vowel, while the o is more of a long vowel.