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It has a long A. The AY pair almost always has a long A sound, as in bay, day, and way.

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5mo ago

Play has a long a sound.

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Q: Does play have a short or long a sound?
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Does play have a short a sound?

Yes, "play" has a short a sound as in "cat" or "mad".

Does play have a long a sound or short a sound?

Play has a long 'a' sound, pronounced like "a" in the word "day".

Does camp have a long a or short a sound?

Oh, dude, it's like, totally a short "a" sound. You know, like when you're at camp and you're like, "Hey, pass me the marshmallows," not "Hey, paaasss me the marshmallows." So yeah, short "a" all the way.

Does the word where have a short or long sound?

Either. it depends on the previous word. if the previous word had the main vowel short sound, the a would be long sound.example 1: "Have a nice day!" (have is short, asounds like ay)example 2: "Let's play a different game." (play is short, a sounds like uh)

Does basic have a long or short vowel sound?

The A has a long A sound, and the I has a short I sound.

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Yes, the word "May" has the short a sound, as in cat or bat.

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The I has a short I sound, as in click or trick.

Does humanity have a long or short vowel sound?

The U is a long U (long YOO) sound, the A is short, the I is short, and the Y has a long E vowel sound.

Does hoping have a long or short vowel sound?

The O has a long O sound and the I has a short I sound.