The word "crossing" has two syllables.
There are two syllables in the word "shouted" - "shout" and "ed."
The word "Polish" has one syllable.
There are eight syllables in this sentence.There - one syllable.Was - one syllable.A - one syllable.Young - one syllable.Man - one syllable.From - one syllable.Brazil - two syllables.
"Cowered" has two syllables.
Memory is not one or two syllables; it is three syllables.
There is one syllable in the word "smiles." The "e" is silent, and so smiles rhymes with miles and tiles.
Two syllables
"Squirrels" has two syllables. It is frequently pronounced with one, but it has two.
There are two syllables in 'brother'. Bro-ther.
A one syllable word only has one syllable. For examples, consider the differences between these words for syllable counts:on (one syllable), versus onward (two syllables)up (one syllable), versus upward (two syllables)two one syllable), versus twofold (two syllables)to (one syllable), versus toward (two syllables)house (one syllable), versus household (two syllables)store (one syllable), versus storeroom (two syllables)mail (one syllable), versus mailbox (two syllables)
The word "stunning" has two syllables.
The word "crossing" has two syllables.
Hurtful has two syllables.
There are two syllables. Be-cause.
Two syllables.
Two syllables. Flow-er.