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Yes, "de-" is a prefix in the word "depressed."

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Q: Does depressed have a prefix
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How do you use the word depressed in a sentence?

i am depressed that you are asking this

Does a person have to look depressed to be depressed?

Absolutely not! Many depressed persons pretend not to be depressed so as not to upset their family and friends. Its possible to be quite good at this role playing.

What do you say to your doctor if you think your depressed?

"I think I may be depressed."

Could you be depressed?

anybody could be depressed at some time.

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When was Depressed Mode created?

Depressed Mode was created in 2005.

Is justin bieber depressed?

Hes not always depressed. Hes a normal human being so sometimes will get depressed obviously.

Do goats get depressed?

Yes, they do get depressed. You know they are depressed when they stare at you with their little tail down especially when we put them in small setting.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Depressed Rapper - 2007?

The cast of The Depressed Rapper - 2007 includes: Eddie Pepitone as The Depressed Rapper

Is bow wow depressed?

yes he is very depressed for reasons i do not know