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Yes, a prepositional phrase typically includes a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun, which acts as the object of the preposition. The object of the preposition helps to show the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other elements in the sentence.

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Q: Does a prepositional phrase need an object of preposition?
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How do you identify a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, its object, and any modifiers. To identify a prepositional phrase in a sentence, look for a word that functions as a preposition (e.g., in, on, at) followed by a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition). The words in between form the prepositional phrase.

What does a preposition need to have?

A preposition typically needs to have a noun or pronoun after it to form a prepositional phrase, which functions to show the relationship between that word and other elements in a sentence. Additionally, prepositions often convey a spatial, temporal, or logical relationship between the words in a sentence.

When partner is a verb does it need a preposition?

It depends on the specific verb and the context. Some verbs require a preposition after them, while others do not. For example, "depend on" and "agree with" are examples of verbs that require a preposition after them.

Which sentence contains a prespositional phrase?

There is a prepositional phrase in this sentence. P.S. You need to spell "prepositional" correctly.

What is the function of the gerund phrase in the winning contestant diving for hours every day?

"The winning contestant" would be the subject phrase, with the gerund, "winning" functioning as the adjective to describe the contestant. "Diving for hours every day" would be a prepositional phrase, with the gerund, "diving" acting as the object of the prepositional phrase. "Diving" in this case would be the object because it receives the action of the preposition. It's also important to note that this phrase would be a sentence fragment. Although gerunds are often present in verb phrases, they usually need a helping verb with them to act as a verb.

Related questions

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence you need to get a new collar for your dog?

You need to get a new collar for your dog.The prepositional phrase in the sentence is "for your dog."'Dog' is the object of the preposition 'for'.

How do you identify a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, its object, and any modifiers. To identify a prepositional phrase in a sentence, look for a word that functions as a preposition (e.g., in, on, at) followed by a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition). The words in between form the prepositional phrase.

Can you give me some examples of a objective of the preposition in a sentence?

What you want is the "object" (not objective) of a preposition. In grammar, a preposition is a word that shows location (on, in, up, down, into, at, to, with, inside, outside, under, over... just to name a few). A prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of a preposition along with an article (a, an, the) and a noun. For example: "in the kitchen"; "at the movie"; "in a classroom." Sometimes, you don't need any article: In Boston. At school. So, the object of a preposition refers to that noun in the prepositional phrase. Note: the noun which is the object of a preposition can never be the subject of a sentence. It can only be used in the prepositional phrase. Some examples of the object of a preposition: We were swimming in the ocean. (The preposition is "in," the object in "ocean.") Dana walked her sister to the bus. ("To" is the preposition, and the object is "bus.") Bob and Maria went to the movie with their friends. (This one has two prepositional phrases: "to the movie" and "with their friends." The objects are movie, and friends.)

How do infinitives differ from prepositional phrases in their use in sentence?

Infinitives refer to a verb as a noun (or adjective/adverb): I like to eat. What do you like? (what is the direct object?) To eat. It is being used as a noun. Prepositional phrases use "to" as any other preposition, as a part of a phrase which modifies another part of the sentence: I read to the girl. The phrase "to her" is modifying the verb in this case, read. How did you read? To her. An easier way to tell them apart is an infinitive will have a verb after "to". A prepositional phrase will need to have an object of the preposition, a noun. Therefore, it will have a noun after "to": To eat. verb, therefore an infinitive To the girl. noun, therefore a prepositional phrase

Is fun in the sun a noun?

The term 'fun in the sun' is a noun + a prepositional phrase.A preposition (in) is a word that connects its object (sun) to another word in the sentence.The noun 'sun' is the object of the preposition 'in'.The prepositional phrase 'in the sun' connects the noun 'sun' to the noun 'fun'.This group of words can function as a unit as a subject or an object in a sentence; for example:Fun in the sun is our plan for the day. (the noun 'fun' is the subject of the sentence)We need some fun in the sun. (the noun 'fun' is the direct object of the verb 'need')Are you ready for fun in the sun? (the noun 'fun' is the object of the preposition 'for')

Is the word cooking an object of a preposition?

No, not in the example you gave. Cooking can be a gerund, which is a kind of noun (Cooking is a lot of fun); or it can part of the verb "to cook"-- he is cooking dinner tonight. But in order for any word to be the object of a preposition, you first need a preposition. These are words like of, in, to, at, with. "I will see you in the morning"-- the noun 'morning' is the object of the preposition "in." It might be possible, but it would not be easy to make a prepositional phrase using the word "cooking." There are many other nouns that could be used in such a phrase -- in the house, at the school, with the team, etc.

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence The world has seen many wars but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating?

Let's work this out together:The world has seen many wars, but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating.Now, break it down: You have two clauses here joined by a conjunction. (1) The world has seen many wars... (2) ...the two wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating. And, the conjunction "but." (I added the comma above for grammatical accuracy.)There is no prepositional phrase in the first clause; you have a simple subject, predicate, object construction.The second clause contains the prepositional phrase. Easiest way to find it is to identify the part of speech of each word:There are eleven:thetwowarsinthetwentiethcenturyhavebeenparticularlydevastatingThere are two definite articles, both "the." So cross off #'s 1 and 5. Number 2, "two," is an adjective here modifying the noun after it "wars," so check off #'s 2 and 3. Number 4, "in" is a preposition...Oh! there's your first hint: prepositional phrases begin with a preposition. A prepositional phrase is a phrase consisting of a preposition, its object, which is usually a noun or a pronoun, and any modifiers of the object. So, we need to look for those components. Typically, the prepositional phrase follows immediately after the preposition. Here we have "in the twentieth century. We know that "in" is the preposition, "the twentieth century" then becomes the object, "the" and "twentieth' modifying "century."Let's keep looking though: "have," modal verb; "been," past tense verb, form of to be; "particularly," adjective, modifies "devastating;" "devastating," adjective, modifies "wars."So, there you have it. The prepositional phrase and a way to find it.

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence The world has seen many wars but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating.?

Let's work this out together:The world has seen many wars, but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating.Now, break it down: You have two clauses here joined by a conjunction. (1) The world has seen many wars... (2) ...the two wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating. And, the conjunction "but." (I added the comma above for grammatical accuracy.)There is no prepositional phrase in the first clause; you have a simple subject, predicate, object construction.The second clause contains the prepositional phrase. Easiest way to find it is to identify the part of speech of each word:There are eleven:thetwowarsinthetwentiethcenturyhavebeenparticularlydevastatingThere are two definite articles, both "the." So cross off #'s 1 and 5. Number 2, "two," is an adjective here modifying the noun after it "wars," so check off #'s 2 and 3. Number 4, "in" is a preposition...Oh! there's your first hint: prepositional phrases begin with a preposition. A prepositional phrase is a phrase consisting of a preposition, its object, which is usually a noun or a pronoun, and any modifiers of the object. So, we need to look for those components. Typically, the prepositional phrase follows immediately after the preposition. Here we have "in the twentieth century. We know that "in" is the preposition, "the twentieth century" then becomes the object, "the" and "twentieth' modifying "century."Let's keep looking though: "have," modal verb; "been," past tense verb, form of to be; "particularly," adjective, modifies "devastating;" "devastating," adjective, modifies "wars."So, there you have it. The prepositional phrase and a way to find it.

What the prepositional phrase in this sentence The world has seen many wars but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating?

Let's work this out together:The world has seen many wars, but the two world wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating.Now, break it down: You have two clauses here joined by a conjunction. (1) The world has seen many wars... (2) ...the two wars in the twentieth century have been particularly devastating. And, the conjunction "but." (I added the comma above for grammatical accuracy.)There is no prepositional phrase in the first clause; you have a simple subject, predicate, object construction.The second clause contains the prepositional phrase. Easiest way to find it is to identify the part of speech of each word:There are eleven:thetwowarsinthetwentiethcenturyhavebeenparticularlydevastatingThere are two definite articles, both "the." So cross off #'s 1 and 5. Number 2, "two," is an adjective here modifying the noun after it "wars," so check off #'s 2 and 3. Number 4, "in" is a preposition...Oh! there's your first hint: prepositional phrases begin with a preposition. A prepositional phrase is a phrase consisting of a preposition, its object, which is usually a noun or a pronoun, and any modifiers of the object. So, we need to look for those components. Typically, the prepositional phrase follows immediately after the preposition. Here we have "in the twentieth century. We know that "in" is the preposition, "the twentieth century" then becomes the object, "the" and "twentieth' modifying "century."Let's keep looking though: "have," modal verb; "been," past tense verb, form of to be; "particularly," adjective, modifies "devastating;" "devastating," adjective, modifies "wars."So, there you have it. The prepositional phrase and a way to find it.

What does a preposition need to have?

A preposition typically needs to have a noun or pronoun after it to form a prepositional phrase, which functions to show the relationship between that word and other elements in a sentence. Additionally, prepositions often convey a spatial, temporal, or logical relationship between the words in a sentence.

When partner is a verb does it need a preposition?

It depends on the specific verb and the context. Some verbs require a preposition after them, while others do not. For example, "depend on" and "agree with" are examples of verbs that require a preposition after them.

If you need to find the verb in a sentence why would you want to find prepositional phases first?

By finding the prepositional phrase/s, you take away "unnecessary" parts of the sentence. Prepositional phrases add to the sentence, but they can be taken out in order to isolate the subject, verb, and direct object (if there is one.) Example: I love to play at the park. Now take out the prepositional phrase. I love to play. What's the verb? Love. I is the subject, and play is the direct object.