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Yes, "Vice President" should be capitalized when it refers to the specific title or position of the Vice President of a country or organization.

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Q: Do you need to capitalize vice president?
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Do you capitalize vice president in the middle of a sentence?


If a person title is followed by an appositive do you capitalize the title For example John called the vice president Joe Brown OR John called the Vice President Joe Brown?

yes you capitalize all titles no matter what it is rule #1

What required skills do a vice president need to become a vice president?

You don't need any specific skills to be a vice president. You should have had some history in politics and know the background of past presidents.

Do you capitalize president and vice chancellor?

You can capitalize both.But you may only capitalize either of them if talking about a specific president or a specific vice chancellor.For example, if you are talking about "The President of the United States" that would be capitalized as it is specific and not general. Or if you were talking about, say, "President Obama" it would capitalized as you are speaking specifically about an actual president. Now, if you were to say, "When I grow up, I'm going to be the president!" It would not be capitalized because you are not specifically speaking of one certain president.Same thing for vice chancellor. If it is speaking of a specific person, it would become capitalized. If not, and you're simply saying something like said before. For example, "When I grow up, I'm going to be the vice chancellor of...!" And so forth. Other than that, vice chancellor would remain lower cased and not capitalized.

Does vice presidents need to be capitalized?

Yes, if is is used as a title such as in "Vice President Biden is currently on the campaign trail. " No, if merely refers to the office. "Joe is on of many vice presidents at his bank."

Why is the appointment of vice president as cabinet member does not need confirmation by the commission on appointment?

The vice-president is elected by the electoral college. He is not appointed by the President and so does not need confirmation by the Senate.

What is the president's position within the executive branch?

* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president

What schooling do you need to become vice president?

well in america education is pointless the only education you need to be a vice president is shooting a gun. love sarah palin

Who is the second ranking member of the executive branch?

Vice President

If the president can no longer serve who can be president?

vice president until presidents term is up.

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.

What is the vice president is the president of what?

The Vice President is the President of the Senate.