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Avez-vous des frères ou sœurs

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Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters in french?
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What is 'Avez-vous des frères ou des soeurs' when translated from French to English?

"Do you have brothers or sisters?" and "Do you all have some brothers or some sisters?" are English equivalents of the French phrase Avez-vous des frères ou des soeurs? Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The pronunciation will be "a-vey-voo dey fre-roo dey sur" in French.

How do you say how many brothers or sisters do you have in french?

In French, you would say "Combien de frères ou sœurs as-tu?" to ask how many brothers or sisters someone has.

How do you ask how many brothers or sisters in french?

To ask how many brothers or sisters someone has in French, you can say "Combien de frères ou sœurs as-tu?"

How do you say you have 2 siblings in french?

You would say "J'ai 2 frères et sœurs" in French to express that you have 2 siblings.

What is 'Do you have any brothers or sisters' when translated from English to French?

As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? informally and Avez-vous des frères ou des soeurs? formally are French equivalents of the English phrase "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" The choice depends upon the formality -- different age, familiarity, rank, status -- or informality -- familial, friendly, peer -- of the interactions between the listener and the speaker. The respective pronunciation will be "a-tyoo dey freh-roo des suhr" informally and "a-vey-voo dey freh-roo dey suhr" formally in French.

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"As-tu des frères ou sœurs?"

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