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According to Swan's Practical English Usage page 553, you should only capitalize words according to the rules of capitalization.

When referring to it as a proper noun, it must be capitalised. As a common noun, generally not. Also, if you start a sentence with the word, it has to be capitalized.

Your example is not the beginning of a sentence, nor a name (proper noun), a title (Mr.), a point of a compass (North), a publication (Day of the Jackal). etc. etc. ie. the grammar rules associated with capitalization and punctuation.

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4mo ago

No, "Business Finance" is not typically capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title. For example: "Business finance is an essential aspect of managing operations."

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11y ago

No, because it is

not a proper



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Q: Do you capitalize business finance in a sentences?
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