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Yes they r very loyal and think divorce is terrible.

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This statement perpetuates stereotypes and generalizations that are not accurate or respectful. The ability to be a good partner or spouse is not determined by one's nationality or ethnicity but rather by individual characteristics, values, and behaviors. It is important to approach relationships with an open mind and not make assumptions based on cultural backgrounds.

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Q: Do filipino women make good wives?
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Are Filipino good wives?

Ascribing general characteristics to any group of people can perpetuate stereotypes. It is important to recognize that individuals have unique qualities regardless of their nationality. It is not accurate or fair to make sweeping statements about the qualities of Filipino women or any other group.

What is a good Filipino?

A good Filipino is someone who shows respect for others, values family and community, and upholds the core principles of integrity, hospitality, and resilience that are central to Filipino culture. Additionally, a good Filipino is someone who strives to make a positive impact not only in their own life but also in the lives of those around them.

How do you put wives' into a possessive?

The form wives' is the plural possessive form for the singular noun wife. Adding the apostrophe (') to the end of the word makes it a possessive form. Examples:singular: The wife of a player originated the charity event.plural: The wives of the players have continued the tradition of an annual charity event.plural possessive: The wives' efforts have raised a lot of money for the charity.

What are the duties and obligation of the filipino youth?

The duties and obligations of the Filipino youth include being active and responsible citizens, contributing to the welfare of society, promoting and upholding the values of Filipino culture and heritage, pursuing education and personal development, and actively participating in nation-building activities and initiatives. Additionally, they should show respect towards their elders, exhibit good moral character, and advocate for social justice and equality.

How do you say that I want to make love to you in philipino?

You can say "Gusto kitang mahalin" in Filipino, which translates to "I want to make love to you."

Related questions

Are Filipino good wives?

Ascribing general characteristics to any group of people can perpetuate stereotypes. It is important to recognize that individuals have unique qualities regardless of their nationality. It is not accurate or fair to make sweeping statements about the qualities of Filipino women or any other group.

How do Filipino ancestors make importance of the Filipino women before?

For being polite and gentlemanly...

Do Asian women make good wives?

That depends on the appearances of the asian girls. Overall, they are really good to date with.

Can a filipino girl make a good wife to an Indian?

Um, yes.

Do Thai women make great wives?

Yes they do but it depends how you treat them, and what type your looking for. They are also great cooks. :)

What did Julius Caesar wife look like?

As far as is known, there are no portraits of any of Julius Caesar's wives. The Romans, even though they did make busts of women, seemed to have been selective about the women that they sculpted. Caesar's wives are not among the preserved portraits.

What is a good Filipino?

A good Filipino is someone who shows respect for others, values family and community, and upholds the core principles of integrity, hospitality, and resilience that are central to Filipino culture. Additionally, a good Filipino is someone who strives to make a positive impact not only in their own life but also in the lives of those around them.

When was Lonely Women Make Good Lovers created?

Lonely Women Make Good Lovers was created in 1972.

What doWhat do men look for in a woman?

Men look for a wife that they can sit down and have conversation. They want their wife to be as supportive as they are to their wives. I personally like women who can make me laugh, and I can do the same. I like thick women, but skinny will do just fine. To make a long answer short, men like wives that make them want to actually HAVE children! LOL XD

Why do some women support other women that make good decent guys jealous on purpose a good thing?

Because not all women are good women or make good choices. A nice woman and good friend will always help her friends to be better people.

Do cat's hairs make women infertile?

No, it is not true that cat hair causes a woman to be infertile. This is nothing but an old wives tail.

How did the civil status of American women and men differ in early republic?

Men were thought to be superior to women. Womens education was only supported so that they could become better wives and mothers. Marriage laws supported this unequal power, wives were obligated to obey their husbands. Womens property was her husbands and even their children were his. Women were not allowed to keep their wages, to make contracts, to sue or be sued.