Yes, Australians typically spell "personalization" as "personalisation," using the British English spelling with the '-ise' suffix instead of the American English '-ize' suffix.
In English, the word "baby" is spelled as "baby" and there are no alternative spellings for this word.
"Than" in French is spelled "que."
Russian words are spelled using the Cyrillic alphabet, which has different letters than the Latin alphabet used in English. While some words may appear similar when transliterated, they are spelled differently due to the different alphabets.
Phone, psychiatrist, about any word that begins with 'ph'. ** Bologna, colonel, and debris all follow the requirements of your question.
The correct spelling is "provinces."
In English, the word "baby" is spelled as "baby" and there are no alternative spellings for this word.
no kiwis are smart as and australians are dumb kangarooting surfers
Differently THAN is correct. My question was: is it "differently than" or "differently from" but I can't find any examples of "differently from" in all of Google, so I have to assume "differently than" is the correct choice. 'Different FROM' is correct, from this. 'differently from' arises. Searching Google [I notice your correct but unusual capitalisation of the proper noun ' Google'] implies you are interested in the wisdom of crowds rather than grammatical correctness.
Pronouncing Kailey is easy. To say this name correctly, you say "KAY-LEE. " Some people spell it differently than Kailey as well.
For PC Click Start>Control Panel>Appearance and Personalization (Appearance and Themes)> Personalization(Display) and look for the Settings tab, and after that your on your own.
Influenza, specifically the H1N1 influenza virus, was the disease which killed more than 1000 Australians in 1918.
V-J Day was more important to Australians than V-E Day because Japan is closer to Australia than Japan.
well... people who were 'not white' could not enter australia. even those who were in Australia at the present got treated differently than to the pure 'white' Australians. Non-white people weren't allowed in pubs, schools, down town, to the movies, beaches etc... Their life was cut short. They were treated differently than to the 'white people.' it was a hard life for them. ("aboriginals")
There are more than 342800 Australians living with dementia This number is expected to increase as the aged population increases.
Australians do not like deserts any more than other people do. Many Australians recognise the uniqueness of the Australian deserts, while others never give them a thought. the vast majority of Australians do not live in the desert, but on or near the coast, where the major cities are.
there is a 20 year difference. If you were to restrict these statistics to the outback they would probably be even worse.