The rules of my mother tongue may differ in terms of grammar, syntax, sentence structure, and vocabulary from those of the English language. These differences can include variations in verb conjugation, noun gender, word order, and use of articles. It is important to be aware of these distinctions when learning and using both languages.
A mother tongue refers to the first language a person learns at home from their parents or caregivers. A native language, on the other hand, is the language spoken by a person from birth or from a very young age, regardless of where they learned it. In essence, a mother tongue is specifically tied to the home environment, while a native language is more broadly associated with a person's upbringing and cultural background.
A person's mother tongue can influence their spoken English in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. For example, someone whose mother tongue has different vowel sounds may struggle with certain English sounds. Additionally, sentence structure and word order in English can be influenced by a person's native language.
English has the greatest number of non-native speakers in the world, with an estimated 1.5 billion people speaking it as a second language. This is due to its widespread use in international communication, business, and entertainment.
Amy Tan becomes aware of the differences in English that she speaks from her mother tongue because her mother points out occurrences where their communication or understanding may be affected by these linguistic disparities. This realization highlights the challenges of language and communication between generations in a multicultural household.
Learning English as a second language means acquiring proficiency in English after already having learned a first language. People who learn English as a second language often have a solid foundation in another language and are now adding English to their linguistic repertoire.
Depending on what you mean by "first language", there may be no difference. For most people it implies the language you learned first, which is your mother tongue. But for some it might mean "the language you are most fluent in or use most often" which might not be your mother tongue, if, for example, you emigrated at an early age.
A second language (L2) is any language learned after the first language or mother tongue. A native language is the language a human being learns from birth.
if you mean what is the mother of English, it is Latin
In Kisii language of African origin,"Mama" has the meaning of "Mother" in English.
The English language-based culture does not recognize any family relationship between the parents of a husband and the parents of his wife.
You daughter's husband's mother is your daughter's mother-in-law. The English language has no term for a relationship between you and your daughter's mother-in-law.
people say mother tongue when they talk about the first language that they learned or the language they do best at. for example, my first language is icelandic and my mother language is English because im better at it.
The English language does not consider your borther's mother-in-law to be related to you.
"Mother tongue" is the title for the language/languages into which someone is born. Usually it means the language of one's parents. "Community" is any group of bonded together by commonalities (geography, purpose, set of beliefs, etc.).
Grandmother in English. English does not distinguish between the Mother's mother and the Father's mother, they are both called Grandmother.
Grandmother in English. English does not distinguish between the Mother's mother and the Father's mother, they are both called Grandmother.
German (mother tongue) and English.