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Yes (more specifically, Linguists did).

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Yes, scientists have traced the English language to the parent language known as Indo-European. This language is believed to have originated thousands of years ago and formed the basis for many modern languages spoken across Europe and parts of Asia.

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Q: Did Scientists trace the English language to the parent language indo-European?
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Is it true that Scientists have traced the English language to the parent language IndoEuropean?

Yes, linguists have traced the English language back to its roots in the Proto-Indo-European language, which is believed to have been spoken around 4500 BC. English is part of the Indo-European language family, which also includes languages like Spanish, French, and Hindi.

What is the parent language English?

if you mean what is the mother of English, it is Latin

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In English, a female parent is called a mother.

What is the parent language of current English?

German is the parent language of old English, which is fairly unintelligible with modern English. English had a lot of old French (which was very close to Latin) input during the Norman conquest, and is now a mix between the two language groups (romance and germanic).

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European settlement in Australia began with the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The introduced language was English, and from that point, the Australian form of the English language began to evolve, and of course, the various Australian slang terms came emerged, often based on, or evolving from the parent English.

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What language is the parent language of English?

The parent language of English is Proto-Indo-European. This ancient language is believed to have been spoken thousands of years ago and is the common ancestor of many languages spoken today in Europe, South Asia, and other regions.

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L. H. Ekstrand has written: 'Comparing psychocultural patterns' -- subject(s): Parents, Attitudes, Parent and child 'English without a book revisited' -- subject(s): English language, Foreign speakers, Study and teaching, Acquisition, Language, Children

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The correct phrase is expecting parent or expectant parent

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