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Yes, Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland and spoke English fluently before he came to America. He grew up speaking Scottish Gaelic and English.

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Q: Did Andrew Carnegie speak English before he came to America?
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What period was Carnegie describing?

The time before the Industrial Revolution.

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Nothing ! The English system was in place long before America 'hi-jacked' it !

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an english man had some the day before he went to america. once he got to america her had a big poo and used it as fertiliser and there we have the first ever broccoli in america.

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After, he ventured about in about 1607, English colonies were just beginning to spring up.

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What two empires fought over control of America before the English were involved?

The French and the Native American's empires fought over the control of America before the English were involved. The French and Indian War took place between 1754 and 1763.

When did first blacks landed in English America in Jamestown?

One year before the arrivalof the mayflower