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In active voice: The boy broke the window. In Passive voice: The window was broken by the boy.

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Passive voice: The character was known for his mysterious aura and quiet demeanor.

Active voice: The character captivates others with his mysterious aura and quiet demeanor.

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How do you change passive voice into active voice?

To change passive voice to active voice, identify the object of the passive sentence and make it the subject of the active sentence. Then, identify the subject of the passive sentence and make it the object of the active sentence. Finally, rewrite the sentence using the active verb form. For example, "The book was read by John" (passive) can be changed to "John read the book" (active).

What is active voice to passive voice and vice versa?

Active voice is when the subject performs the action stated by the verb ("The teacher graded the papers"). Passive voice is when the subject is acted upon by the verb ("The papers were graded by the teacher"). Converting from active to passive voice involves making the object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence and using a form of "to be" + the past participle of the main verb.

What are two reasons to avoid using passive voice?

Passive voice can make sentences less clear and direct by not clearly identifying the subject performing the action. Passive voice can make writing appear more formal and stilted, whereas active voice is typically more engaging and dynamic for readers.

What do you mean by active and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject is acted upon by the verb. In active voice, the sentence structure follows a subject-verb-object pattern, whereas in passive voice, the object becomes the subject and the verb is conjugated as a form of "to be" plus the past participle of the main verb.

Which item is not a reason why you should avoid using passive voice?

Using passive voice can make your writing less engaging and clear to the reader. It can also obscure the action or the doer of the action in the sentence. Additionally, passive voice can result in wordy and awkward construction.

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How do you change passive voice into active voice?

To change passive voice to active voice, identify the object of the passive sentence and make it the subject of the active sentence. Then, identify the subject of the passive sentence and make it the object of the active sentence. Finally, rewrite the sentence using the active verb form. For example, "The book was read by John" (passive) can be changed to "John read the book" (active).

What is active devices?

An active device amplifies the signal by some value - such as an active filter using an OPAMP. A passive device does not provide any amplification - such as a passive filter network of inductors and capacitors.

What are passive and active transport?

Passive transport is the movement of molecules across a cell membrane without requiring energy, such as diffusion and osmosis. Active transport, on the other hand, requires energy to move molecules against their concentration gradient, typically using protein pumps or transporters.

What is active voice to passive voice and vice versa?

Active voice is when the subject performs the action stated by the verb ("The teacher graded the papers"). Passive voice is when the subject is acted upon by the verb ("The papers were graded by the teacher"). Converting from active to passive voice involves making the object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence and using a form of "to be" + the past participle of the main verb.

What is the passive form of she made us think?

We were made to think.Given that the passive form has no subject of the verb.The agent in the passive (subject in the active) can be added using by+noun phrase.We were made to think by her.

Will the active 3D glasses work with passive 3D tv We have an LG passive 3D TV and we need extra ones My friend has an active 3D TV though so I was wondering if I can just borrow his glasses.?

Active 3d glasses will not work with passive 3d TV. Active glasses use shutter 3D technology that requires a power source to power the lenses in the glasses. Passive glasses don't have electronics or batteries. Hence, they are lighter and more comfortable. Active and passive TV work using completely different technology and thus active glasses cannot work on passive TV.

How is passive transport from active transport?

The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using cellular energy is called passive transport. The movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

Are there any restrictions on using radar jammers near airports?

Yes, any form of active radar jamming is illegal, but you are permitted to use passive jamming. Passive jamming is not as effective as active jamming, however.

What are two types of cellular transport that do not require energy?

Passive transport never requires energy - hence the name passive. Active transport requires the input of energy. Two types of active transport are; primary (using pumps) and secondary (using anti or symports).

How many manufacturers are using passive 3d technology in their 3d TVs?

2 manufacturers, LG and Vizio, are using passive 3d technology. All others are currently selling active 3D systems.

What are two reasons to avoid using passive voice?

Passive voice can make sentences less clear and direct by not clearly identifying the subject performing the action. Passive voice can make writing appear more formal and stilted, whereas active voice is typically more engaging and dynamic for readers.

Why is an inductor called as passive device where as a resistor is called active device?

They are both passive devices. An active device is a device that uses semiconductors (or tubes) to process signals instead of using the natural processes of capacitance, inductance or resistance.