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One person might use the plural when talking about his or her family or home: "Our house is white with brown shutters." A person might use the plural when speaking about a class: "Guess what we learned in math class!" A person might speak in the plural when speaking about his or her ethnic heritage: "We don't do that in our country." There is a so-called "royal we" when a king or queen speaks of himself or herself in the plural. "We are planning to visit your province next year." And there is a "reporter's we," when a reporter speaks of himself or herself as "we": "We reported on the uprisings last night. Tonight we'll be adding to our coverage."

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4mo ago

Sure! One common example is when someone refers to themselves in the plural form for emphasis or formality, such as saying "we" instead of "I" when speaking in a formal or professional setting. Another example is using "they" when someone's gender is unknown or when discussing a hypothetical situation, even if only one person is involved.

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