The thunder roared loudly as the storm approached.
The word "atypical" is defined as literally not typical or not usual. An example of a sentence using the word "atypical" is "His reaction to the medication is atypical."
use ize in sentence
You would use 'me' in this case. You use 'I' when you are the subject of the sentence, and 'me' when you are the object of the sentence or the phrase, as in this case.Subject of sentence: I was going to get a picture.Object of phrase: I was going to get a picture of Kaeleah and me.Object of sentence: It was Kaeleah andme in the picture.
Sure, I can use "so" at the beginning of a sentence.
The giant ship was literally sailing through the littoral zone!
I literally dragged my brother to the store because he was being stubborn.
The fire engine is literally on fire.Many people argue that the words literally and irony are misused often in American literature.I wonder if he meant that literally or figuratively.
The word "undemocratic" literally means "not democratic. " An example of a sentence using the word "undemocratic" is "The legally elected government was replaced with an undemocratic dictatorship. "
There were literally 5 people at swim practice today.
Literally, the word "Reality" means, "The quality or state of being actual or true."
I love that sound that the leaves make when the Aspen tree forest trembles. The Earth literally trembles during an earthquake.
This was editorial mistake. Who is editorial chief there?
The thunder roared loudly as the storm approached.
No. The part "that I believe" does not belong in the sentence. Also disadvantages is the wrong word. Keep it simple: There are problems with taking the Qu'ran literally. Problems with taking the Bible literally, too!
Well, Lebensraum literally means "Living room" or "Living space". So in a sentence in English wherever you were to use Living room or living space slip in Lebensraum instead.Ex. Hitler used Lebensraum as an excuse to conquer countries.
What is a literally element?