Jennifer has a beautiful complexion, although she is a little self conscious about her freckles.
He always has a kind word for everyone. She has freckles. Mary has braces. John has a new car.
No, you do not always need to put a comma after the word "so" if it is the first word in a sentence. It depends on the context and flow of the sentence.
You can put the word "separate" in a sentence by saying something like, "Please separate the items into two piles."
I am revising my essay to make sure it's free of errors.
Sure! Here's a sentence using the word "utilize": "Employees are encouraged to utilize the new software to improve efficiency in the workplace."
You can use "freckles" as a noun or verb. Here are sample sentences using freckles as a noun: He had a million freckles on his face. She was self-conscious about her freckles but Dad said they were angel kisses. Here is a sentence using freckles as a verb: My fair skin freckles after just a few minutes in the sun.
He always has a kind word for everyone. She has freckles. Mary has braces. John has a new car.
I put the word wool in a ten word sentence.
The German word for freckles is Sommersprossen.
see How do you put the word countries in a sentence?
put on sun screen every day to prevent more freckles and from your freckles to get darker. at night put lemon juice on freckles and keep it on til morning then wash off. do this daily.
The word is put in a sentence like I just did right now.
Freckles = nemashím (× ×ž×©×™×)
you have just put it in a sentence....
yes you can put in a sentence
How do you put dissent in a sentence How do you put dissent in a sentence
I can put the word opaque into a sentence. Alternatively, The wall is opaque.