No, "but" is not a complex word. It is a conjunction commonly used to introduce a contrasting statement or idea within a sentence.
Although she had a stellar resume, he decided to hire someone else for the job, but he was impressed with her experience and skills.
Words that can start a complex sentence include: although, because, since, while, whereas, whenever, if, whenever, while, and after. These words are used to introduce dependent clauses in complex sentences.
The new computer program is quite complex, requiring specialized knowledge to operate efficiently.
I can comprehend the complex mathematical equation after studying it carefully.
The word insipid means bland, pale, and lacking in flavor or vigor. For example, "The ice cream was an insipid color, and did not look appetizing".
This coffee is insipid. After an hour of insipid conversation, I left the meeting and went home.
Although the restaurant was supposed to be superb, the food was tasteless and insipid.
That is a complex problem.
The word insipid comes from the latin word 'insipidus', which means 'tasteless'. It can be used in conjunction with food to describe that the food is flavorless.
You have a complex sentence. Best is the last word of a complete sentence. When is an adverb. It is followed by the word They. The word They starts a complete sentence. Thus, the word when makes the second sentence subordinate to the first sentence. That makes it complex.
I was very complex with my writing.
i need a sentence that have the word unborn
a compound sentence having a word bewilder?
No, the word complex is an adjective (This is a complex problem.) and a noun (The new office complex is leasing.)A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence; for example:We visited the new office complex. It is in a convenient location.
a complex compound word involves using multiple hard compound words in a sentence.