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Seldom does a travel destination satisfy the blurbs that shout 'has something for everyone' but Greece truly does.

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She seldom goes out on weekends because she prefers to stay home and relax.

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Q: Can you give the sentence using seldom?
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In this sentence, "seldom" is functioning as an adverb modifying the verb "seen." It indicates the frequency at which the action of seeing a beautiful sunrise has occurred.

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Seldom in a sentence?

Seldom is a word that means "rarely," or "infrequently." A sentence that includes the word seldom might be: "Selena seldom enjoyed spicy foods, but the diablo-pepper enchiladas were delicious anyway."

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what is a sentence for seldom. p.s. quitley i need it for my homework... =[ please ..... thank you so much..... your nice //////..........=] =] =] =] =] =]

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