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Examples of abstract nouns and their corresponding adjectives:

  1. abhorrence - abhorrent
  2. ability - able
  3. affection - affectionate
  4. altruism -altruistic
  5. anger - anger
  6. annoyance - annoying
  7. ardor - arduous
  8. attachment - attached
  9. aversion - aversive
  10. awe - awful
  11. benevolence - benevolent
  12. bliss - blissful
  13. bravery - brave
  14. care -careful
  15. charity - charitable
  16. cheerfulness - cheerful
  17. contempt - contemptible, contemptuous
  18. courage - courageous
  19. depression -depressed, depressing
  20. desire - desirable
  21. desperation - desperate
  22. destiny - destined
  23. discord - discordant
  24. disgust - disgusting
  25. distaste - distasteful
  26. duplicity - duplicitous
  27. ecstasy - ecstatic
  28. education - educated
  29. effort - effortless
  30. elation - elated
  31. emotion - emotional
  32. enjoyment - enjoyable
  33. enthusiasm - enthusiastic
  34. euphoria - euphoric
  35. exertion - exerted
  36. exhilaration - exhilarated
  37. exuberance - exuberant
  38. faith - faithful, faithless
  39. felicity - felicitous
  40. fondness - fond
  41. force - forceful
  42. fortune - fortunate
  43. friendship - friendly
  44. fun - funny
  45. fury - furious
  46. gladness - glad
  47. glee - gleeful
  48. goodness - good
  49. greed - greedy
  50. happiness - happy
  51. hate - hateful
  52. hope - hopeful
  53. idea - ideal
  54. importance - important
  55. intimacy - intimate
  56. ire - irate
  57. irritation - irritated, irritating
  58. joy - joyful
  59. jubilation - jubilant
  60. kindness - kind
  61. life - live
  62. loathing - loath
  63. loneliness - lonely
  64. love - lovely, loved, loving
  65. luck - lucky
  66. lust - lustful
  67. maturity - mature
  68. misery - miserable
  69. necessity - necessary
  70. need - needy
  71. opinion - opinionated
  72. opportunity - opportune
  73. optimism - optimistic
  74. outrage - outrageous
  75. passion - passionate
  76. pessimism - pessimistic
  77. piety - pious
  78. pleasure - pleasurable
  79. power - powerful, powerless
  80. prediction - predictable
  81. purity - pure
  82. rapture - rapt
  83. regard - regardless
  84. religion - religious
  85. revolt - revolting
  86. sadness - sad
  87. solicitude - solicitous
  88. stupidity - stupid
  89. sympathy - sympathetic
  90. temper - temperamental
  91. thrill - thrilling
  92. valor - valorous
  93. vehemence - vehement
  94. vexation - vexing
  95. want - wanted, wanting
  96. wantonness - wanton
  97. will - willful, willing
  98. weakness - weak
  99. wrath - wrathful
  100. zeal - zealous
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