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No, there is no one on the planet that can do that. There are about 6800 different languages in the world, and the record number of languages spoken by one person is supposedly 58 languages spoken by Ziad Fazah (although that has never been confirmed).

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2mo ago

No, scientists may not be able to speak every language in the world. Their expertise lies in their field of study, not necessarily in languages. However, many scientists are well-educated and may have knowledge of multiple languages to communicate with colleagues and collaborators from around the world.

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6y ago

No. But potentially there are scientists whose native language covers all those spoken on earth.

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It is already a world um no its not i just had to improve your answer because what you said was not true!English is not already a world language because1) not every body speaks it nor has to speak it.2) individual countries speak their own languages not just English and their language is to be spoken between them.Ok. Then I say it is link-language?? Do u agree pl.

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