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During the naturalization process, immigrants have to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, renounce allegiance to any foreign country, and pledge allegiance to the United States.

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Q: As part of the naturlization process what do immigrants have to swear to do?
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What is the process of becoming part of another culture?

Assimilation is normally the term that speaks to the process by which immigrants to another nation become part of the host nation's culture and values. This does not mean that they must forget their heritage. With that said, new immigrants will receive a warmer welcome if they seek to find common ground with their new host nation.

What part of speech is immigrants?

Immigrants is a plural noun.

Do immigrants come from Eastern Europe?

Immigrants come from any part of the world!

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immigrants from Ireland come form Ireland.

What does a country have to do to join the European union?

Be part of Europe and swear allegiance to it.

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The verapaces

How are immigrants treated today?

Legal immigrants are (for thee most part) treated like average citizens. While Illegal immigrants are not.

How do immigrants maintain their culture while becoming a part of their new country?

Immigrants often maintain their culture while becoming a part of a new country by gathering in areas with other immigrants from their home country. These small communities allow immigrants to feel at home while still becoming a part of a new country.

Where did most Irish immigrants settled in the?

In the east part of the us

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The "wealth" of the U.S.

Why did immigrants move west?

To take part in the California Gold Rush

Were the most immigrants come from?

the majority of immigrants depends on what part of the country you are in. in the Midwest area/central Mexico is first and Vietnam is right behind them.