Tagalog Translation of ANNOYED: nainis
People in Hungary speak Hungarian.
The base word for "annoyed" is "annoy."
People who cannot speak are often referred to as mute or nonverbal.
In Germany, people speak German.
He claims to speak it poorly.
I wonder the same thing, haha. I think it may be because the people asking the questions are poorly educated, don't speak English fluently, don't care about proper grammar, are too young to be on the site or people are just oblivious (:
farm animals
people cuss when they're mad >:( or get annoyed
because their annoyed
you tell them that you are different than other people (the people who have treated them poorly)
The Nomlaki spoke a poorly-documented Wintuan language known as Nomlaki.
because of the foolish things that people do to make other people so annoyed that leads them to telling other people about how annoyed they are to a certain person and it spreads like gossip also..
People who are annoyed easily.
There are many jerks it this world they just act like they are better than you just try to ingore them as you can