There are a number of abbreviations and loan words in French that end in the letter "o," such as "moto," "auto," "radio," etc. There are three common French words that are often thought to genuinely end in "o": "stylo," "lavabo," and "vélo." "Stylo," however, is a shortened form of "stylographe," "lavabo" is a loan word from Latin, and "vélo" is a shortened form of "vélocipède." To have a native word ending in "o" is simply not compatible with French orthography. This does not mean, however, that there are not words ending in an "o" sound, whether they end in the digraphs "au" or "eau" or in an "o" followed by a silent consonant. It should be remembered that "o" in French is generally pronounced as IPA [ɔ], while "au" and "eau" are pronounced as IPA [o].
There are no commonly used words in English where the letter "o" is silent. However, there may be some words borrowed from other languages, like "doux" in French, where the "x" is pronounced instead of "ou".
o t e n
In Spanish, the stress accent usually goes on the second-to-last syllable for words that end in a vowel other than -n, -s, or a vowel with an accent mark. So for words that end in -a or -o, the stress accent will fall on the penultimate syllable.
The e placed in the o in certain French words is to show what is called umlaut. In German, the same effect is created with the two dots ( called an umlaut) over the o. Umlaut changes the sound of a vowel, in this case from o to something more like er.
The vowel sound is a long O, and can include words with an O, an O with a silent E, an OE, an OA, or an OUGH. Also the French spellings eau, eaux, and aux. These include:arrowalsobeauboneboatbowlcombcoltdonatedoseegoenrollfauxfoamgoatgoalholehomehalohosthellohoboholdjokekoalalowmolemostnopeopalpoemposterponypokepollPopequoteroadsoldiersoapsilosoultoestoadtoasttonetoteutopiavotewokeyokezone
The only normal "truly French" word I can think of that ends in o is rigolo. There is also zoo, alto, ratio.There are also many informal or slang words that end in o, many of which are abbreviations of longer words; for example, ado, perso, diapo, homo, accro, dodo.
Some words that end in O are:agoalsobanjobravadobravocockatoocombocommandocuriododumbodynamoechoergoflamingogizmogogoohalohelloheroigloointokangarookazookiddokilokimonolassoloomemonoontopatiopeekaboopianopotatoradiorhinorodeososolotattoototomatotootornadotorsotriotwountovetovideovirtuosowhowooyahooyo-yozerozoo
Some Scrabble words that end with O are:banjocockatoocombocommandocuriododominodumbodynamoechogizmogogoohalohelloherokangarookazookiddokilokimonomemonopatiopeekaboopotatoradiorodeosotattoototomatotootornadotorsotriovetovideovirtuosowhowooyahoozerozoo
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
Oleo, olio, onto, ordo, orzo and ouzo are 4 letter words that begin with the letter o and end with o.
Igloo, incognito, indigo, inferno, info, into and intro are words. They begin with I and end with o.
False. Feminine words end in "a" while masculine words end in an "o"
Some words that end in VO are:bravoparvooctavosalvo
no, so, to, too,