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A dead language is one with no native speakers. Of the three mentioned in this question, only Latin is a dead language:

Greek has more than 12 million native speakers, mostly living in Greece.

Hebrew has more than 5 million native speakers, mostly living in Israel.

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4mo ago

Greek and Latin are considered "dead" languages in the sense that they are no longer the primary languages of any community. While Hebrew was also once considered a dead language, it was successfully revived in the 19th and 20th centuries and is now spoken as a primary language in Israel.

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6y ago

A dead language is one with no native speakers. Of the three mentioned in this question, only Latin is a dead language. Here are the details:

  • Greek has more than 12 million native speakers, mostly living in Greece.
  • Hebrew has more than 5 million native speakers, mostly living in Israel. Hebrew had no native speakers from about the 2nd Century BCE until the 19th Century. It was revived in the 1880s by Eliezer Ben Yehuda.
  • Latin has no native speakers, but it didn't actually die out. Latin evolved into Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and dozens of other living languages.
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Montagu uses the term "dead languages" to describe Latin and Greek.

What languages are the Dead Sea Scrolls written?

The Dead Sea Scrolls Were discovered in eleven caves near the Dead Sea, between 1947 and 1956. The main language of the Scrolls was Hebrew, but there are many written in Aramaic and a few written in Greek.

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Latin and Greek meet the international classical languages as they have epics and meet the other requirements. However, I say Tamil is the best because it is one of the very few ancient languages that has survived and still spoken by millions of common people today. Latin/Greek and Sanskrit are dead languages and are not spoken by commoners today.

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Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls are in Hebrew, and some were in Aramaic, the language spoken by many Jews-between the sixth century B.C. and the siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. In addition, several texts were translations of the Hebrew Bible into Greek.

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it was first written in ancient Hebrew an it is now written in almost every language in the world including most dead languages such as Latin.

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Latin but the Latin version was compiled from the Hebrew Old Testament books and the gospels of the new testament that were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek as is evidenced form the Dead Sea Scrolls.

What are some dead languages being used?

There are no truly "dead" languages being used in daily communication, as by definition they are no longer spoken. However, languages like Latin and Ancient Greek are studied and used in specific contexts such as academia, religious ceremonies, and cultural events. These languages are considered "classical" rather than dead as they still serve a purpose in certain settings.

Why are Latin and Greek used to classify organisms?

Latin and Greek are used to classify organisms because they are considered "dead" languages, meaning they are no longer evolving and thus provide stable and consistent scientific terminology. Additionally, many scientific terms and names of species were established using Latin and Greek roots by early naturalists, making it easier to maintain consistency and clarity in biological classification.

What is a five letter word for abode of the dead?

Sheol, which is Hebrew, and Hades, which is Greek.

Why is Latin used by Linnaeus in naming organisms?

Latin is a 'dead' language, so its meanings don't change over time. This means that the definition of an animal a hundred years from now will have the same meaning it did now and one hundred years ago, so there is no confusion over which animal is referred to. Latin words can also be added together to form one-word descriptions, which are shorter than the English translation and makes them very easy to use.

What dead language gave us our many prefixes?

Latin is the dead language that gave us many prefixes in English. Many English prefixes come from Latin roots and have been adopted into the language to create new words and expand vocabulary.

Can anyone think of a dead foreign language?

Latin is a dead foreign language along with Ancient Greek.