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An excess of gold braid and glittery beads gave the costumes a tawdry look.

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11mo ago

The movie depicted a tawdry affair between the main characters, filled with cheap thrills and scandalous behavior.

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Q: A sentence with tawdry
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Use tawdry in a sentence?

My goodness, this is a rather tawdry scene!

How do you use the word tawdry in a sentence?

Jan's tawdry taste in clothing was an embarrassment to her boyfriend.

Tawdry in a sentence?

The tawdry decorations at the party clashed with the elegant setting, creating a discordant atmosphere.

How do you use tawdry in a sentence?

The actress received criticism for her tawdry performance in the low-budget film.

What is a sentence with the word tawdry?

The promiscuous harlot was remiss in dressing correctly for the formal engagement. This was clearly voiced by her tawdry outfit; a faux pas that aroused the passions of every rogue and scoundrel falling within the purview of this iniquitous Jezebel.

What is the noun form of the word tawdry?

If u describe sth such as clothes or decorations as tawdry, u mean that they are cheap and show a lack of taste. (=tacky) If u describe sth such as a story or an event as tawdry, u mean that it is unpleasant or immoral.

What Country does the word 'Tawdry' come from?

Tawdry means cheap, showy grundy and it comes from the Hebrew language,

What rhymes with Audrey?


What rhymes with gaudy?

...tawdry, bawdy...

What part of speech is tawdry?


Which language is tawdry derived from?


How do you use an tawdry in a sentence?

They had expected to vacation in a refined old hotel in the south of France. When they arrived, they were floored to discover that their lodgings were downright tawdry with kitschy black velvet paintings on the walls, garish gold-striped wallpaper and, to add insult upon injury, featured a badly rump-sprung bed with a giant mirror hanging overhead.