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"D" is the first letter of my last name, as you can see. So, should one inquire as to the place in the alphabet one might discover my surname, I might rightfully answer with the one-letter response of "D."

Coincidentally, many vehicular parking lot sections are identified by way of a letter. So again in response, but this time to the question of "In what section are you parked?"; one might respond with the one-letter response of "D".

You may have noted that both examples require the "D" to be capitalized, as it is utilized in these examples as a noun.

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Can a sentence end with at the earliest possible?

Yes it can. ;D Especially in a letter. ;D Hope I helped.

Can you start a sentence with the letter I?

Of course you can. I am only 12 and I know that. That sentence I have just wrote means you can start a sentence with the letter I.

Does dutchman have a capital d in the middle of a sentence?

Yes, "Dutchman" should have a capital letter "D" in the middle of a sentence because it is a proper noun and should be capitalized regardless of its position in a sentence.

What some sentence that starts with the letter d?

Dead men tell no tales.

What couuntry's begin with the letter d?

Denmark is the only country starts with the letter D and ends with the letter K. It is in Europe.

Does engineering have to have a capital letter?

Only if its at the start of a sentence:)

Can you use 'is with i'?

Only in the sentence,' I is the ninth letter of the alphabet'.

What US State begins has a D as the second letter?

The only US state that has a D as the second letter is: Idaho

Is fund raising capitalized?

Nope. Only at the beginning of a sentence. :D

What kind of symmetry lines does an D have?

The letter "D" has only one line of symmetry, going horizontal across the letter.

Should you capitalize you in a letter?

Only if it is the first word in a sentence.