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True. A noun or pronoun is singular when it refers to one item, person, or thing.

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Q: A noun or pronoun is singular when it refers to one item true or false?
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What does singular plural mean?

if a word refers to a single item it is singular. if it refers to lots of things it is plural."Potato" is singular "potatoes" is a plural word."mouse" is singular, "mice" is a plural word."person" is singular, "people" is a plural word.

What is singular and plural mean?

Singular and plural refer to nouns (person, place, or thing). Singular refers to just one. For example: I wanted to eat the cookie. Cookie is the singular noun in the sentence above. Plural refers to two or more. For example: I wanted to eat the cookies. cookies is the plural noun in the sentence above.

Is everything a pronoun?

"Everything" is considered an indefinite pronoun that refers to all things, a whole amount, or the total of objects in a group without specifying each individual item.

Is package plural or singular?

"Package" can be both singular and plural. "Package" refers to a single item when used as singular (e.g., "I received a package"), while it becomes plural when referring to multiple items (e.g., "I received two packages").

Is one an indefinite adjective?

Yes, "one" can function as an indefinite adjective when used before a singular noun to indicate a specific but unnamed item or person, for example, "I need one more pen."

Is something a pronoun?

Yes. It is an indefinite pronoun, meaning it stands for an unknown item.

Which ocean is known as an oxen?

There is no ocean that is known as an "oxen". "Oxen" is the plural of the word "Ox" which refers to a castrated bull cow. Also as a plural noun (oxen), it is incorrect English to use "an" which refers to the singular item.

When is a subject said to be singular?

Singular is a referance to a individual item or being. i.e. 'he' is singular, 'they' would be plural

Does shoe is singular or plural?

"Shoe" is singular when referring to one footwear item, and "shoes" is plural when referring to more than one footwear item.

What is the singular and plural form of a word?

The singular form of a word refers to one item, while the plural form refers to more than one. Plurals are typically formed by adding an "s" or "es" to the end of the word, though there are exceptions. For example, the singular form of "cat" is "cat" and the plural form is "cats."

What kind of a pronoun is that?

The word that (plural those) is a demonstrative pronoun. The pronouns for item close by, rather than at a distance, are this and these.

What is the Hebrew word for beauiful?

it depends on what you are describing...if it is a masculine singular item- yafeif it is a masculine plural- yafimif it is a feminine singular item- yafaand if it is feminine plural- yafot